domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

I wish...

In one of my classes this week, I'm gonna teach "wish clauses". Every time I present this subject I like using a simple activity which can make things easier for the students to understand. All you have to do is to type (or even write!) the following sentences leaving some blanks for your student(s) to fill out.

Something I don't like about the way I look
Something I don't like at home
Something I don't like about the way I am
Something I don't like about my brother/sister
Something I don't like about my parents
Something I don't like about my best friend
Something I don't like about the city I live in

Ready! So before you present the grammar content, ask your group to fill out those sentences and then check their answers. Now it's time to present the new subject! Put one of the anwers you heard on the board and turn it into a wish clause. For example: "Melissa thinks she's too tall. So, she wishes she weren't too tall or she wishes she were shorter." Do the same with some other answers and finally ask your students to do the same with their other responses. Great exercise! Have nice classes, tomorrow, colleague!

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