quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

Better late than never: Happy Friend's Day!

I know I'm kind of late...but I didn’t know we had a special date for friends. Actually, it was yesterday....July 20, “friend’s day”!. Anyway, as some of my students sent me such sweet messages on this day, I decided to “celebrate” with them somehow with some music. Then I remembered about this very old but extremely beautiful song which is called “You’ve got a friend”. Is there anything else to say? Coincidently, I’ve just bought another one of those DVDs “Divas” (R$ 14,99) and I’m gonna be able to make use of it this time already. So I typed the lyrics and prepared a simple exercise envolving verb tenses and auxiliary verbs for them to do before watching the video clip. Well, better late than never! I’m gonna tell them at the end of the class that, since we had such a special date during the week, I couldn’t help preparing them a small surprise. Happy Friend’s Day, colleague!
PS: Those DVDs “Divas” (there are many of them) are really nice because they’re cheap, they bring some classics of the music AND they bring the lyrics, so our students are able to watch and follow them as well. Simply great!

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